My Ultimate Goal

The basic Idea for this blog, was to get my voice heard, and get my idea out there, so that other people could here it and see if It's a smart idea or not.
I don't know how far this will go but, you never know unless you try, right?

So, basically my Goal is to use creative outlets, such as Music, drama, art, photography, design, dance anything creative to help young people in New Zealand who suffer from mental illnesses such as Anxiety and depression.
I one day hope to use my skills to teach teenagers about the joys of life, by engaging in creative experiences.
Instead of self-harming, they might read a play about a topic, or practice dance moves, or paint a picture. Basically, creativeness becomes an outlet for mentally ill people. It's something I think people forget there is.

One day I hope to open my own place for teens, where they can learn all about the arts.
Of course I can't do this by myself, I'd need help from people, and I need to know that My idea can get off the ground and that it would infact be useful in discourging kids from self-harming or even taking their own life.

For now, I am going to keep my goal in a box, and work my way up. little by little, to find out if this WILL work, it it WILL be effective, but I believe with the right words and the right people, and a lot of Faith and trust...I can make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. this is really cool... you are on your way ... you will reach your goal! =)
